In an older episode (Wednesday, 2. November 2005 12:11), Simon Hogg wrote:
> Folks, we've been using SpamAssassin as part of MailScanner for just 
> over  a year with no problems at all.

> We have the threshold set at 6 for spam, but this scores 100.00 on IE_VULN.
> Can it be that the content of the file is being mistaken for something 
> else? I've found no reference to IE_VULN in any of the FAQ's, mail 
> archives, google (except one reference to the same score), hence my 
> posting to this list.

IE_VULN does not appear to be a rule that is contained within spamassassin 
3.0.4 or any of the SARE rules we are using. Is that part of some custom 
local rule of yours?



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