Ronan wrote:
> I have a log file which will throw out the following
> aa:bb cc:dd ee:"ff gg hh" ii:jj
> ie pairs of text, colon seperated
> 2nd half is in quotes if there are spaces in it
> I want to be able to read them into an array/table and work on them
> how do i get it so I can have the pairs deined as
> eg a two column table
> aa   bb
> cc   dd
> ee   ff gg hh
> ii     jj

Is each colon-delimited pair on its own line to begin with?

If so...

my @table = ();

open(LOG, "/path/to/log/file") or die("Could not open log file:\n$!");
my @lines = <LOG>;

for my $line (@lines)
        next unless $line =~ /^(.*?):"?(.*?)"?$/;

        push @table, [ $1, $2 ];

for my $row (@table)
        $bitbeforecolon = $row->[0];
        $bitaftercolon = $row->[1];

        dosomething_with($bitbeforecolon, $bitaftercolon);

Matthew.van.Eerde (at)               805.964.4554 x902
Hispanic Business Inc./       Software Engineer

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