DAve wrote:

Arvinn Løkkebakken wrote:

Robert Leonard wrote:

Can anybody point me to a good forum for Qmail? I'm a newb and a windows guy so this is quite the daunting thing! What I want to figure out is how to get qmail w/ tcpserver to allow incoming smtp connections from only SPECIFIC IP's.. I'm getting flooded by mail coming from places I shouldn't be getting
mail from!

Thanks in advance!

Qmail is dead. Concider something that is still getting developed. My preference is Postfix.


I currently run a cluster of qmail machines and find it reliable, the user base active, the tools up to date. I've run Sendmail, Exim, Postfix as well. All have their place.

qmail works quite well with spamc and there are several ways to use the two together. I would argue there are more ways to combine spamc and qmail than any other mailserver. Choose the best tool for the job.


I of course agree that one should choose the best tool for the job and Qmail has been a great tool for years. I have glanced at the doc for Exim earlier and it looks like a very good alternative. Same goes for Courier MTA. I've been operating Qmail for some years and found it to fullfill most needs untill I experienced that the gap between available functions between my Postfix installation and Qmail installation just kept getting bigger. I don't enjoy using third-party patches and from experience I wouldn't recommend a self-claimed rookie to depend on third-party patches either. Standard Qmail lacks one must-have feature which is desent before-queue recipient validation. AUTH, STARTTLS/SSL and ldap/sql lookups support (the list goes on) isn't must-have features but I would certainly miss it if I picked up standard Qmail again. http://www.postfix.org/documentation.html is a very fine place to start if you are a rookie and need documentation and help for installation. I should have included that URL in my first post. If you are an experienced unix admin and postmaster you can make Qmail do anything (including the things I mentioned above) but I think a newcommer would appreciate to start with a product with more of these as out-of-the-box features. I feel like a newcommer myself and by using a more up to date software I really appreciate the fact that I don't have to inspect every patch to see if it is compatible with all the other user contributed patches I would choose to use with Qmail.

I am not a troll, and people on the list claiming I am one (straight out or by beeing sarcastic), will not be replied to by me.


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