Hopefully my 'fix' is valid and can be used by others who have posted this
problem and feel they haven't received enough, or correct, help.

After just learning more about SA, (V3.1.0 on 2 servers), I decided to
make a couple changes. The first was to increase the number of daemons
kicked off at service startup. I changed my RC file to run spamd like
/usr/local/bin/spamd -d -c -m10 -H --round-robin (m5 was the default and
adding round robin kept the daemons from dying).

The second thing I did was to change the way procmail tests in

* > 256000
|formail -I "Subject: [***BIG***] $MATCH"

:0fw: spmsn.lock
* < 256001
    | /usr/local/bin/spamc

#DROPPRIVS=yes   <-- commented out
next section unchanged. I include it in case anyone wants to do likewise...

:0fw: /tmp/spmsnlock.$LOGNAME
* < 256001
    | /usr/local/bin/spamc -f -u $LOGNAME

I haven't seen a 'tests=none' since doing those two things. I'm not sure
which one helped. I suspect it's a combination of both. The real culprit,
however, is most likely a SLOW SERVER. Yes, mine is very (relatively)
slow. I have the same setup at work as at home and never see 'tests=none'
at work on a 3.1Ghz P4. The one at home? 800Mghz Pentium... some day my
ship will come in...

Karl Pearson
Director of IT at work...
Senior Consulting Sys/DB Analyst

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