On Thu, Nov 10, 2005 at 04:08:56PM +0100, nick wrote:
> Rejecting the mail after DATA?
> Spamassassin runs behind my MTA, if the sender passes blacklist checks 
> and any other obvious no-nos, it's then passed to spamassassin which 
> NEVER discards email, but places them in a spam folder.
> Discarding emails based on a spam score is a bad idea. As you can see 
> quite clearly, the reasons behind the discard/tagging aren't logged, so 
> false positives can't be corrected.

It is a bad idea if you set it up so it doesn't log anything, yes.
Anything done badly is a bad idea.

It is however perfectly possible to set up Exim and sa-exim to use
spamassassin to reject mail after DATA giving a full reason why in
the log file and the reject message and still keeping a copy on

A reject with a useful message combined with keeping the message on
disk for a reasonable period of time is in many cases BETTER than
accepting and silently filing away in a spam folder, because the
entity with the most desire to see the mail delivered -- the sender
-- is the one who gets notified via the usual SMTP mechanism that it
did not get delivered.

Having the spare time to look through my "spamassassin thinks this
is spam" folder for false positives is a thing of the past; I would
much rather reject as much as possible and only have to check the
borderline stuff.


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