Bowie Bailey wrote:
From: Andrzej Adam Filip [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Have you tried to use AS scoring instead of (or together with)
country scoring? [AS = Autonoumous (Routing) System]

IMHO it is not a bad idea to give incetives to good ISP in a bad
That's an interesting idea. Is there a plugin for it?

I have not heard.

IMHO the best path will be to
1) create tool for converting ris projects dumps (aggregated BGP routers data) into rbldnsd files 2) creating SA plugin similar to Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::RelayCountry getting IP->AS via TXT DNS query

I am ready to create working prototype of point 1 tool if a few people would like to use/test it.

ris dumps as they are now will not deliver "full coverage" but sufficiently high to start with


[en: Andrew] Andrzej Adam Filip : [EMAIL PROTECTED] : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Netcraft Site Rank: 469320
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing
     -- Edmund Burke, 18th century

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