Hello Steven,

Wednesday, November 16, 2005, 1:47:24 PM, you wrote:

SL> I guess if this is the case I need to lower
SL> the score for that rule as my kill value is a 3.5, ...

SpamAssassin scores are optimized for a "this is spam" threshold of 5.

Anyone who changes their threshold significantly away from 5 (say
above 7 or below 4.5) will NEED to modify several significant rule
scores.  Which rules, by how much, will vary by your specific needs.

(I used to run SA with a threshold of 9, and it worked extremely well
for me, after modifying about 25 rule scores.)

Moving the threshold down is much more sensitive to flagging errors
than moving the threshold up.

Yes, if you choose to have your threshold below the level at which one
rule scores spam, then you need to rescore that rule if you're
concerned about ham hits with that rule.

Bob Menschel

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