From: "Kai Schaetzl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Jdow wrote on Thu, 17 Nov 2005 22:22:40 -0800:


I learned a new word :-)

My stance on this is that the list-admin should please immediately unsubscribe everyone who uses a challenge/response system against a mailing list. It's is unbearable.


The administrator of the Fedora Core 4 list did so. But it was at least
a day after it was becoming an issue on the list and the morning after
I had helped diagnose what was going on. He was as frustrated as the
rest of us after sending a note to the list that he'd repair it and
getting several challenges back. So he solved it the rational way, for
an irritated person. He blocked and removed all participation
on the list. He really does not have time to handle this one at a time
for a problem that irritates people this much.

I block them. But I do so in a way I can see if I ever get anything real
from them.


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