Hello Paul,

Saturday, November 19, 2005, 11:11:40 PM, you wrote:

PB> Hi,

PB> I want to know if there is a Java interface into
PB> SpamAssassin? I have a requirement to flag some
PB> text as spam or not, but I am not using email. My data is
PB> similar to email (from, title, body) but
PB> it is not itself from an email system. I just want to hook
PB> into the spam detection through Java
PB> and teach it how to detect. Is this possible?

Can your Java system issue a system command, run a perl program, and
get back a response?  If so, you should be able to do the equivalent
> spamassassin -e <input-text >output-text
and test the command's exit code.

Bob Menschel

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