On Tue, Nov 22, 2005 at 09:24:28AM -0800, Linda Walsh wrote:
> That doesn't mean it's a moral, an ethical or respectable reason:
> "Spite" is reason enough for most people these days. 
> Michele Neylon:: Blacknight.ie wrote:
> >if your IPs end up in there it's usually for a
> >reason.

Before we get into 'arguments' or even 'flamewars':

We (@{math,inf,mi}.fu-berlin.de) were hit by the same problem,
we also could not find *anything* visible, which had could have
put us into their list, and so we had to resort to 'circumventing'
the assumed problem.

Seemingly 'spamcop' not only counts 'real spam' (explicitly
sent to spam-traps) but also counts 'any bounce stranding in
their spam-trap' as an 'spammer or open-relay'.

So simply by having users use 'vacation' or viruses/worms
sending themselves from faked spam-trap-addresses and bouncing
at your site, you can be blacklisted for 24 hours (for each?).

After reducing 'bounces' by patching 'qmail' with a user
check in 'RCPT' of the SMTP-Delivery, making all lists
reply to local owner-addresses instead of bouncing,
by checking all auto-answering-services to never answer
on bounces, bulk-mails and spams, and such,
thereby reducing the 'chance' of hitting the
spam-traps again, we 'survived' so far without being
blocked again (at least without being blocked again
for more than the lifetime of mails sent to us).

Stucki    (postmaster)

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