>>*ALL* body rules in SpamAssassin will match the subject line too. SA >>does this automatically in the code itself.

This simply isn't true. Or at least if it is true, SA is scoring the magic words (you all know the ones I mean, referring to very warm ladies of dubious virtue, the attributes of their male companions, pills that will do the business, and imitation timepieces etc.) far too low.

I have spent an inordinate amount of time over the last fortnight devising rules to flag emails that have these words in the subject as spam because SA is not flagging them (for us at least).

How many of you think that an email with a subject containing the F-word isn't spam? Spamassassin ignores it. So now with my new rules it scores 4.0 on our systems (enough to flag it, not block it). And I'm not even talking about obfuscated spellings. I am still waiting for a complaint from one of our users.

Jon Armitage

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