Well, now to join Geocities and Tripod, we have Leo on AOL.

The URL, http://hometown.aol.com/assavralloWi/immerse.html redirects to
www.uditines.com, a fairly vanilla pill site (IP, listed
in SBL35716).  Further redirection takes you to the landing page in a
subdirectory at:


with all the typical drugs and the recognizable "©2005 PharmacyExpress.com"
(not to be confused with a valid company using the same name, but always
with a 2001 or 2002 copyright, the "real" company is in New Zealand).

        The spam was caught by DCC, RAZOR, SpamCop and the XBL (plus a
few other "small value" rules), so clearly I'm not the first to receive it.

        Paul Shupak

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