On Friday 16 December 2005 09:49, Brian Kendig wrote:
>Just for the record, in case it helps anyone else - I found a
>workaround to my problem.
>The problem is that spamd 3.1.0 insists on trying to create per-user
>config files in its user's home directory, even when I tell it not
>to, and this causes errors if its user has no home directory.  I
>logged this as bug 4739.
>The workaround is to add "--virtual-config-dir=/tmp" to the spamd
>command line.  This tells it to put any per-user files into /tmp.  It
>doesn't actually create any files there - which is correct, because I
>disabled anything that would have made it create files - but the mere
>fact that this directory exists is enough to avoid the "mkdir /dev/
>null: File exists" errors I had been getting.
>   - B

This would appear to have shut some other squawks about user_prefs off 


Cheers, Gene
People having trouble with vz bouncing email to me should use this
address: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> which bypasses vz's
stupid bounce rules.  I do use spamassassin too. :-)
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