Heute (21.12.2005/19:06 Uhr) schrieb Michael Parker ([EMAIL PROTECTED]),

> Jim Knuth wrote:
>> Hello spamassassin-users,
>> I use mysql for spamassassin (with amavisd-new).
>> since I changed the format of the tables (SA)
>>  awl                     InnoDB
>>  bayes_expire            InnoDB
>>  bayes_global_vars       InnoDB
>>  bayes_seen              InnoDB
>>  bayes_token             InnoDB
>>  bayes_vars              InnoDB
>>  of InnoDB, I don`t see no entrys in bayes_token, the table is
>>  empty. Is it normal?
>>  OS Debian stable, SA 3.1, amavisd-new 2.3.3, MySQL mysql Ver
>>  12.22 Distrib 4.0.24

> You give very few details about your configuration (ie which bayes
> storage module you are using) so I will have to assume you are using
> Mail::SpamAssassin::BayesStore::MySQL.

yes, this is what I`ve used. I`ve now changed of

bayes_store_module           Mail::SpamAssassin::BayesStore::SQL

bayes_sql_dsn                DBI:mysql:spamassassin:localhost:3306

and will shown what happens. Or is it the InnoDB format wrong?

> If that is the case, I'm not surprised you are having issues.  That
> storage module, as stated in the documentation, does not support the 4.0
> version of MySQL.  Try upgrading and see how you do then.

> If the assumption was incorrect, then no it is not normal and you will
> have to provide more details.

> Michael

Viele Grüße, Kind regards,
 Jim Knuth
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