Brian Leyton wrote:
> Rick Macdougall wrote:
> Don't get too mad, but I'm one of those "f*cking idiot" admins who is
> bouncing after acceptance.  The reason isn't (just) because I'm a "f*cking
> idiot" admin, but because I use "f*cking idiot" software that Management
> hasn't seen fit to upgrade yet, probably because I'm doing such a good job
> keeping it running :-)
> What it comes down to is that I have a Linux machine at the front-end,
> running MimeDefang, Spamassassin, etc., which passes everything it hasn't
> rejected on to an old Exchange Server.  I can't turn off the bounce
> at the Exchange Server (for various stupid reasons that only Bill Gates
> could explain), but I have no way of rejecting mail at the Linux machine,
> because I don't know which addresses are valid.

See for scripts 
that pull the entire user base from an Exchange server and format as
a sendmail access.db.  This allows you to set the default for your
domain to 550 User Unknown, and explicity allow any valid e-mail

If you have more than 1000 users on your system, you'll get errors - you
can either modify your exchange server to allow more than 1000 records
in a query response, or contact me off list for my cutomization to the
script to use a paged ldap query.

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