Aaron Boyles wrote on Thu, 22 Dec 2005 09:34:09 -0500:

> Unfortunately, this would result in a third "step" in the SMTP process. 
> Currently, the SMTP filter I run allows us to use our choice of virus 
> scanner to check for viruses, monitor real-time traffic, and even "chat 
> back" to a would-be hacker if they're screwing with the system manually, as 
> well as back-up E-Mails for however long we need to, as well as all traffic 
> that transpires in case we have to go back to a previous attack log for 
> prosecution purposes.

You don't need prosecution if no one can abuse you. MailScanner will provide 
all the above for you.

  Adding a spam filter at this point would just be the 
> smart thing to do.

The smart thing is to block as much unwanted traffic as you can before 
accepting it. Reduces spam influx by about 80% or more.

  Unfortunately, if we were to make a third server, we 
> would then have this app receiving incoming SMTP traffic, doing its thing, 
> then forwarding that on to the Spam Assassin server, 

That server is not necessary at all.

then having THAT 
> forward it on to the Exchange server.  Again, keep in mind that I'm trying 
> to keep this as ridiculously simple as possible for the people that'll have 
> to actually implement it in my absence.

Placing just one Linux box with MailScanner, SA and several virusscanners of 
your choice before the Exchange box *is* that simple. And if you use 
greylisting there won't be much spam left for SA anyway. You want it simple, 
I'm all for that. I think that your "special Exchange sink" solution is far 
more complicated/complex than this. It might be a genious piece of software, 
but it's not flexible since you produced it for a specific purpose and it's 
bound to Exchange which limits your options, anyway. Just administering the 
Exchange is more complex than administering the whole MailScanner box.


Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
Get your web at Conactive Internet Services: http://www.conactive.com

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