From: "Craig McLean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Kai Schaetzl wrote:
Craig McLean wrote on Fri, 23 Dec 2005 16:02:47 +0000:

I'll disagree with you here, I have had to contact the list-owner to get
a dynamic address unsubscribed

You mean an address for which you sent email from dynamic IP space?
Honestly, and not meant to be offensive, but if you do that that's your
problem you should know better. I don't accept such mail either. And don't
tell me you cannot send mail another way.

You're missing the point. I *subscribed* with a dyndns-style address in
a dynamic space, then couldn't *unsubscribe* it because the list bounced
everything. This was even when using my ISPs SMTP relay smarthost-style.
I'm still posting from the same IP range, but using a "real" domainname,
and never seem to have a problem hitting the list, but the list
management addresses may be a different matter.

Bounce back a message to the ezmlm software from the offending emailaddress. Ezmlm will see this and send you a probe. Bounce back that probe and you will be removed from the mailinglist.

It is not a nice methode but a working one. This is told you by Tony Finch at 22-12-05.

Maurice Lucas

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