Hi folks,
First time posting here so thanks in advance for any assistance. Looking
at my email headers it appears spamassassin is doing an excellent job of
classifying my email but in the X-Spam-Status header, even when a mail
is classified as ham I still get a summary message. I'm guessing this is
incorrect configuration somewhere but since I'm running with pretty much
default configuration I'm not sure where to start looking.
I'm running SA 3.1.0 on Perl 5.8.7

> X-Spam-Status: No (score -2.6): Spam detection software, running on
> the system "portal.maladmin.com", has identified this incoming email
> as possible spam.  The original message has been attached to this so
> you can view it (if it isn't spam) or label similar future email.  If
> you have any questions, see [EMAIL PROTECTED] for details.
> Content preview: [...]  Content analysis details:   (-2.6 points, 5.0
> required) pts rule name              description ----
> ----------------------
> -------------------------------------------------- 0.2 NO_REAL_NAME
> From: does not include a real name -2.8 ALL_TRUSTED            Did not
> pass through any untrusted hosts

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