Hello all,

Just to tie up the loose ends on this, I worked away on what spamassassin debug was telling me and finally I came to the conclusion that DNS was working, but just not quickly enough. I could run, for example,

spamassassin -D < testmsg

three times in a row and it would do URIBL tests 1/3 times (the other times it would come through with the DNS 'failed horribly' error). What I ended up doing was adding as DNS server for en0 and this seems to have fixed the problem. Before then I had the actual IP of that interface listed i.e. and that seemed to be enough to slow things down to the point where it would time out. I have a feeling it might be related to ipfw that is slowing it down, but that's just a guess. Might be something else specific to Mac OS X server.

In any case, thanks to all who have contributed! It was your generous work that helped me fumble through this and find a solution.

Miles Muri

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