On Mon, 2006-01-02 at 20:16 -0800, jdow wrote:
> From: "Gene Heskett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Fetchmail is verbatim in the sense needed. Does fetchmail go through
> the tool that fires off SpamAssassin or is this done up in KMail as
> it reads? If so KMail may have sanitized off headers in much the same
> way as Outlook or Exchange. This makes KMail pretty useless IMAO if
> this is what they do.
I can find a lot to criticize about Outlook but I've not ever seen
Outlook remove header information - but I don't have any Exchange Server
installations which might be why.

In Gene's case, he's probably got Kmail fetching directly
from /var/spool/mail/gene without any pop3/imap server and thus not
getting any additional header information and then the Kmail filtering
is invoking spamassassin. I can't think of any reason not to do it that
way, unless of course, he is doing all this as root.


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