Patrick von der Hagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb am 17.01.2006 20:47:52:

> PS: more RAM usually is a good idea but situations have been reported, 
> where adding memory just killed performance, so be careful with such 
> generalizations. There have been Intel-mainboard-chipsets with 
> 2nd-level-caches supporting up to 256MB. Adding more memory gave you 
> more memory, sure. But disabled your 2nd-level-cache.....

Uhm, I wonder were you got this information from...
But advising someone to NOT upgrade his memory over 256MB
on a serversystem that certainly needs MUCH more ram is
really strange in my opinion. Exim + SA are bound to kill
the machine in anything bigger then a homeserver-environment.

I'd say 1GB are absolutely minimum for such a server.
Usually you'll be runnnig 10 spamd processes (plus the spawning
father), which take up around 50MB memory per process. Add
exim (not much) and apache up to that and you'll easily end
up with an average memory consumption of around 700MB.
That leaves you with around 300MB spare memory for the bad
days ;)

my .02€

PS: Crossposting is bad, but doing a reply-to-all on a crosspost
is even worse.

PPS: I'll keep it on the SA list, as SA is most likely the
reason for the slowness of the machine

Sascha Runschke
Netzwerk Administration

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