Matthew Sill wrote:
> I have a question about Spamassassin rules, I searched google, but
> didn't find anything like this.
>    I am looking for a rule that hits a message body like this:
> <snip>
> augmentation Austrian backstop Ballard blasphemes bluer blurts bondage
> bran bunted caption Catalina circulates citadels combed companionable
> consoles convivial
> </snip>
> Longwords already hits this message, but rather than increasing the
> number of points given by longwords, I would feel more comfortable with
> a new rule.

Hmm, something like this regex might work:

/(?:a\w{1,20} )+(?:b\w{1,20} )+(?:c\w{1,20} )+(?:d\w{1,20} )+(?:e\w{1,20} )+/

Broken down a bit:
        (?:a\w{1,15} )          

look for a word starting with "a"  between 2 and 21 total characters in length,
followed by a space.

repeat the pattern one or more times to match multiple words starting with "a"
in a row.

        (?:b\w{1,15} )+

Do the same for words starting with b.

then c,d,and e.

Built into a rule (beware the word wrap):

body L_ALPHAWD        /(?:a\w{1,20} )+(?:b\w{1,20} )+(?:c\w{1,20} )+(?:d\w{1,20}
)+(?:e\w{1,20} )+/i
describe L_ALPHAWD    looks like an alphabetic word list
score L_S_ALPHAWD       0.1

(Warning this rule is untested)

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