On Wednesday 18 January 2006 11:00 am, Mike Jackson wrote:

> > It will either remove the existing headers and add it's own, or rename
> > the existing headers so that they don't conflict.
> >
> > If the server is adding markup to the subject line, that may be an
> > issue.
> >
> > My best advice is simply: "Try it and see what happens"  :)
> If the other server allows per-user rules, you could set the spam score
> impossibly high, or set an all_spam_to rule. You may get some SA headers,
> but your copy of SA should strip those out and the message would be
> otherwise untouched.

I have a domain that is hosted by someone who runs SA on mail before it 
reaches my procmail setup and is tagged again by my system.  I've found 
that the double tagging was causing a problem with the NANAS reporting 
script I run. I stuck in a formail recipe in my .procmailrc file that 
renames any X-Spam- tags to Old-X-Spam-* thus not causing any conflicts 
with the script.  My SA setup was not removing the original tags.

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