Jason Bertoch escreveu:

That makes sense but now the scores for these rules have me a little confused. If a domain administrator indicates that we should fail any message not sourced
from his IP's, why is the score for SPF_FAIL the smallest of the three?
Shouldn't it be set at or near the required_score, instead?

I have seen SEVERAL domains with misconfigured SPF values. So, getting SPF_FAILs near required_score would, for sure, block some messages coming from misconfigured SPF domains which also matches some other rules. False positives, I dont like that. Anyway, i have raised my SPF_FAILs scores to:

score SPF_SOFTFAIL 4.5
score SPF_FAIL 5

I'm running with required_score 8. Failing SPF will raise a lot the message score, but will not reject it only because of SPF failing. If it's really a SPAM, it will certainly hit several other rules (SARE rules helps a lot here) and, adding SPF fail scores to that, will reach required score.


   Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
   Leonardo Rodrigues
   Solutti Tecnologia

   Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
   My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

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