On Sunday, January 22, 2006, 4:38:11 PM, mouss mouss wrote:
> Larry Rosenman a écrit :
>> Jeff Peng wrote:
>>>rbldnsd is really a simple dns server.you can use it directly,no any
>>>need to bind.and,you can use rsync to download the rbl files. 
>> I have both rbldnsd and bind running on my 2 nameservers.  I had to
>> bind(pardon the pun) rbldnsd
>> To a separate alias IP, as I couldn't seem to make bind9 do the forward
>> correctly.

> ahuhuhuh? you can choose a different port for rbldnsd and tell bind to
> use that port. make sure to use use bind9 (or djbdns).

It depends on the version of BIND:


# For BIND 9 simply specify the IP and port rbldnsd is using:

# In contrast, BIND 8 can only operate on port 53. So in order to
tell it to forward responses for certain domains, first we need
to tell it what specific local addresses BIND 8 itself should
respond on:

(BIND 8 does not know anything about ports other than 53, so we
can't specify a port, and we must use some other address to
forward requests to rbldnsd.) 

Jeff C.
Jeff Chan

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