On Tue, 24 Jan 2006, David B Funk wrote:


> Many mechanisms for calling SA do -not- make the envelope-from address
> available for rule matching (including miltrassassin), thus the failure of
> your whitelist_from_rcvd.

our version currently runnign is: (using Revision: 1.15 Date: 2005/01/14 

> I ran into this problem a couple of years ago, when I first started
> using spamassassin & miltrassassin. The answer was to modify miltrassassin
> to have it add a 'Return-Path:' header to the data that it feeds to SA
> so that SA would have the envelope-from address to work with.
> All of a sudden whitelist_from_rcvd started working as I expected it to ;)

sounds intresting. since i'm not that good in C, and cant verify if all
those funktions work allready in my version. but mlfi_envfrom(ctx, argv)
is used somehow :)

> I've made several mods to miltrassassin, fixing bugs and adding
> features that I felt were worth it. I tried to contact the original
> author of the program to feed back my changes but was unsuccessful.

oh, the old domain hosting his projects went down, his email is:
jk [at] unix-ag.uni-hannover.de (Jan Krueger)
i'm sure he is glad about any suggestions and fixes.

> If you want to check it out, I can give you a copy.

with the help of jan, we added a way to exclude emails from spamchecking,
wich are delivered through smtp_auth. not sure, if its included in
official version. so i wont change this, but thanks for your offer.
Contact jan, i'm sure he will add your code to the current verwsion :)

best regards,

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