> Re: infrangible Phharam aceutical
> Re: dud Phharam aceutical
> Re: tympanum Phharamaceutica l
> Re: paraph Phharamaceu tical
> Re: investigator Ph haramacy

Someone was proposing rules the other day for mis-spelled pharm stuff.

> The body of the message looks weird in Outlook, the drugs are written
> vertically, which I would assume confuses SA.  If anyone would like to

If you don't have antidrug.cf (you do by default on 3.x) and you don't have
the SARE drug rules, you probably should.  Leo is pretty good about fiddling
around his vertical table spam from day to day, so I can't promise they will
be caught.  But the sare rules are pretty good about chatching most of his


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