Ole Nomann Thomsen wrote:
> Hi, can I ask a small favor from some of you running SA with Bayes
> enabled: Please run the following perl-oneliner on your SA-log (mine
> is "current"): 
> perl -ne 'if (/result:/) {$n++; $b++ if (/BAYES/);} } print
> $b/$n,"\n"; {' < current
> (I promise it's not a rootkit :-)
> I get:
> 0.710109622411693
> I suspect you really ought to see 1, always. What do you get?

It should be 1 as long as all of your users have a working bayes
database.  When I ran it, I got 0.58.  Further investigation revealed
that my sa-learn routine was learning to the wrong database locations
(oops).  Per-user configuration can be tricky with virtual users...

I guess it pays to look at these things from time to time!  :)


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