Ole Nomann Thomsen wrote:

> Hi All.
> I was scanning my SA log-files, when i noticed that about 30% of the
> "result:" -lines do not contain any "BAYES_*" score.
> Version info:
> SpamAssassin version 3.1.0
>   running on Perl version 5.8.4
>   on Debian and Redhat Linux

The explanation was two-fold:

1. Whenever two spamd-demons ran opportunistic journal syncing approximately
*at the same time*, one of them would lose the bayes-check.
2. The "last journal sync atime" was *stuck* at sometimes march 2005. So any
run of spamd would sync the journal.

Ad 1: This will never happen in normal circumstances, as syncing is only run
once a day (by one spamd, i surmise). 

Ad 2: This is probably because of the upgrade to SA 3.1.0 where i dumped the
old-format bayes and inserted it in the new format. I must have goofed
To solve, i only had to:

stop SA
sa-learn --backup > /tmp/backup.txt'
sa-learn --restore /tmp/backup.txt
start SA

So now I get "1" when I
perl -ne 'if (/result:/) {$n++; $b++ if (/BAYES/);} } print $b/$n,"\n"; {' <

Thanks for all your inputs, 


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