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Gene Heskett wrote:
[snip sendmail discussion]

> I've about come to that conclusion myself, so I'm now investigating the 
> fetchmail->procmail_>dovecot solution right now.  But the dovecot 
> mailing list might be a problem, I've subbed about an hour ago but have 
> rx'd no please confirm message yet.
> Joanne has me about straight on the fetchmail and procmail stuffs, and I 
> may even see if I can turn that part on just for grins, but 
> dovecot's .conf looks like it'll need a philly lawyer to decode it 
> correctly so it works.

Heh, yeah. The dovecot config can be pretty daunting, I'll try and
summarise how I've got it set up here, but many things may not be needed
where you are.
The only uncommented lines in my config are:

- -quote-
protocols = imap imaps                           # We don't use POP
ssl_cert_file = /etc/mail/certs/fukka.co.uk.cert # SSL stuff
ssl_key_file = /etc/mail/certs/fukka.co.uk.key   # SSL stuff
disable_plaintext_auth = no                      # Nasty Squirrelmail
                                                 # hack
login_user = dovecot                             # Discrete user for
                                                 # processes
login_processes_count = 1                        # Tuning
login_max_processes_count = 12                   # Tuning
login_max_logging_users = 12                     # Tuning
first_valid_uid = 1000                           # Security
first_valid_gid = 0                              # Hack for my GID
mail_extra_groups = mail                         # Permissions tweak
default_mail_env = mbox:/var/mail/%u             # YMMV - check the docs
lock_method = flock                              # Multiple things lock
                                                 # mail here
maildir_copy_with_hardlinks = yes                # Dunno. Check docs
mbox_read_locks = flock                          # Locking
mbox_write_locks = flock                         # Locking
mbox_lazy_writes = no                            # Tweak
protocol imap {                                  # IMAP settings in {}
  login_greeting_capability = no
  imap_client_workarounds = delay-newmail outlook-idle netscape-eoh
auth_verbose = yes                               # Just because
auth default {                                   # User auth setings in
                                                 # {}
  mechanisms = plain
  passdb pam {
  userdb passwd {
  user = root
- -quote-

I've found the docs for dovecot to be fairly good, if a little tech-heavy.

On the other hand, FC also includes both UW-IMAP and Cyrus, more about
UW at http://www.washington.edu/imap/ and Cyrus at

Either of these is likely to be easier to configure that dovecot.

>> In a configuration where you don't readily run sendmail to accept
>> mail, I would suggest staying the hell away from it and:
> Sendmail does run to collect local mail here, like from amanda and 
> cron/logwatch, that sort of stuff.  And I'd like to figure out a way to 
> collect mail from the firewall box so I didn't have to log in via ssh 
> 2-3 times a week and read the chkrootkit reports and such.  Its 
> normally a mounted samba share from here, so maybe I could get kmail to 
> do that now that I think about it.  Humm, off to try it by golly.

You'll be a whizz at installing IMAP servers soon, you could install one
on the firewall box and use fetchmail to pull it onto the main server.
Assuming you felt suitably insane.

- --
Craig McLean            http://fukka.co.uk
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