Markus Braun wrote:
>> Also be careful with bayes_file_mode.. you want 7's here not 6's like
>> you might think. This is really not a mode, but a mask, and it is
>> sometimes used in directory creation.
>>     bayes_file_mode 0777
> hello again,
> so i make a cronjob the spamassassin is learning the spams from the
> spam folder with the user vmail.
> Is this rule now correct:
> header L_S_ULT_PHARM    Subject =The Ultimate Online Pharmaceutical
> score L_S_ULT_PHARM     3.0
> describe L_S_ULT_PHARM  spam from the ultimate online pharmacy

No, that's not correct. First, you need an =~ not just =. Second, you
need to frame your regex in /'es

header L_S_ULT_PHARM    Subject =~ /The Ultimate Online Pharmaceutical/

Be *SURE* to run spamassassin --lint after editing. It should run
quitely without any output.. if it complains about errors parsing the
config file, fix em.
> And how can i reload the spamd?
> I try it with spamd reload then this comes up:
> Could not create INET socket on Die Adresse wird
> bereits verwendet (IO::Socket::INET: Die Adresse wird bereits verwendet)

Sounds like you didn't kill spamd first.
> or:
> :/etc/spamassassin# spamassassin reload
> Unable to open reload: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
> Did i something wrong?

Sounds like your installation is severely hosed. How did you install SA?

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