A knowledge of history and a good BAYES + digest tests (DCC, Razor,
and Pyzor) will kill these.

        As far as I know, net tests are the way to catch these.  So if you
aren't running the URIBLs and digests, you won't ever get them (though MTA
RBLs to kill off zombie delivery will work).

        Paul Shupak

This illustrates the importance of seeing the X-Spam headers and providing a complete picture. I'm sure that the problem mail as shown (incomplete I must assume) should have hit at least hit one network based test (unless you are one of the unfortunate first people to receive this spam). If it did not hit at least one, then we might assume there may indeed be ways to improve the situation. Make sure network based test are performed; set:

$sa_local_tests_only = 0;

in your amavisd.conf. And if DCC and Razor are installed, make sure they are enabled in v310.pre.

Gary V

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