DAve wrote:
We have not chosen a course of action yet. It looks as if the only
*solution* is to not send any mail to AOL accounts. From a business
standpoint this is not acceptable. But, if AOL users will tag a
confirmation message as Spam, what's an admin to do?

For an outside-the-box kind of approach... not seriously advocating this, but 
an interesting thought experiment...

1) Visitor goes to your site
2) Visitor fills out registration info including their email address [EMAIL 
3) User clicks "Register"
4) Your web server generates a one-time disposable-use email address such as:


5) Your web server adds a row to a "Registrations awaiting confirmation" with 
these fields:

Confirmation email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

6) Your web server gives the user the following instructions:

"Two steps remaining.  To confirm your email address, please send us an email from 
your [EMAIL PROTECTED] account.  Send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- we will send you a reply 
with a link.  Click on that link, and your registration will be confirmed."

7) User sends an email

From: aol-example.com

8) Your mail server receives the email and hands it off to some kind of mail 
processing script.
9) The mail processing script verifies the From: and To: against the "Registrations 
awaiting confirmation" table.
10) If they match, the mail processing script fires off a reply:

"One final step remaining. Please click this link to verify your registration."

If AOL complains about that reply, you pull up your logs and ask them "how could it 
be spam when THEY emailed ME first??"

I like it. Since I use qmail+vpopmail+mysql I can easily have the website create an address as an alias in the SQL table and make the alias point to the processing script.

I can also create an SA whitelist entry in SQL for messages To the temp account, From the expected sender. Interesting idea....

Thanks, I'll chew on that for a few days.


This message was checked by forty monkeys and
found to not contain any SPAM whatsoever.

Your monkeys may vary

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