Of course under Windows a .pl may well be linked to perl and therefore be executable without having to do a chmod (which of course Windows doesn't understand). However, in general I have no problem with either in-lining or attaching script code.

Executables, on the other hand are a different story. For one, I and, I expect others, have software running (like mimedefang) that will reject attached executables. If one really needs to post an executable it would, IMHO, be better to do so via a web page.

As I use Linux I don't have much of a problem with attached .exe or .com files etc. I NEVER read my mail on any of my Windows machines, and I restrict my web browsing to only very well trusted sites and then only when I can't use Linux or Firefox because the sites are so Windows only designed.

Christopher X. Candreva wrote:
On Fri, 24 Feb 2006, Theo Van Dinter wrote:

On Thu, Feb 23, 2006 at 04:14:05PM -0800, OpenMacNews wrote:

i'm noticing, e.g., *.pl scripts as attachments ... rather than links to
posts at code-paste sites.
I don't think we have a policy about it specifically.  Generally speaking
though, it's good netiquette to do as you said: put your large attachments

Sorry. I was thinking of it as a code example, not a program.

The script in question was 29 lines totaling 376 bytes. I was going to in-line it into the e-mail, to show how short it was, and made an attachment at the last minute, probably thinking it would be easier to look at .

I tend to think of text attachments as just sections of an e-mail, and don't think of perl files as executables, since they aren't until you chmod them.

Now, please don't tell me there is some mail program that will automatically run a file because it ends in .pl, or begins with #! line !


Chris Candreva  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- (914) 967-7816
WestNet Internet Services of Westchester

Barton L. Phillips
Applied Technology Resources, Inc.
Tel: (818)652-9850
Web: http://www.applitec.com

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