> The first time I encountered this problem is when the spam database has
> around 3000 SPAM and about 10000 HAM, the database seems to become
> corrupt. I start to receive PERL errors.
> ...
> Is there a problem with the database when it
> reaches a certain size?

I can't offer much assistance with your problem, but on the db size, I can
say that we were running it with around 25k spams and 25k hams learned,
with sa-learn running on shared imap folders every hour adding more.

This was with SA 2.70-cvs. We just upgraded to 3.1.0 and converted the
bayes and whitelist databases to MySQL. Spamd and MySQL now run on a
dedicated server which is accessed by spamc on our smtp/incoming MX and
sa-learn on our pop/imap server. Our setup is a little complex, but it
works very well.


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