On Tue, 2006-03-07 at 17:29 +0100, nick wrote:
> Michael W Cocke wrote:
> > On Tue, 7 Mar 2006 15:04:11 -0000, you wrote:
> > 
> > 
> >>Works fine with postfix...
> >>
> >>http://wiki.mailscanner.info/doku.php?id=documentation:configuration:mta:pos
> >>tfix:politics&s=politics
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks Martin - very interesting!  When I first heard of mailscanner I
> > was very excited - I've been using Amavisd-new forever, but I'm not
> > exactly in love with it.  When I was told mailscanner didn't work with
> > postfix I was very disappointed...  Guess I should have checked
> > further.
> > 
> > Mike-
> > --
> > If you're not confused, you're not trying hard enough.
> > --
> > Please note - Due to the intense volume of spam, we have installed 
> > site-wide spam filters at catherders.com.  If email from you bounces,
> > try non-HTML, non-encoded, non-attachments,
> > 
> It's not that mailscanner doesn't work with postfix, but that it uses 
> unsupported methods to interface with postfix queues (supposedly risking 
> corruption and lost messages, according to the postfix programmer), 
> which is why you might have heard it doesn't "work" with postfix.
> If the guy that writes postfix recommends to not use it, I think that's 
> a fairly good reason to not do so.
and no one is going to criticize you for feeling this way. There are
many of us that have the utmost confidence in Julian and MailScanner and
if at some point in time, Postfix should do something to render
MailScanner incompatible, it will be fixed, just like integrating
MailScanner with any other MTA.

I think the basis of Wietse's recommendation is a philosophical one and
while pertinent to his line of thinking, MailScanner seems to me to be
the easiest to install, the most effective when properly installed, the
most frequently updated scanning wrapper and an extremely helpful list.

I think it's been an excellent 'add-on' for Postfix but there will
always be some who follow Wietse's lead and that is OK too....to them, I
say, enjoy amavisd-new, which I am sure is a good package too. I just
found it took too much to get going and stayed with MailScanner even
though I migrated from Sendmail to Postfix. It works and has worked for
well over a year - no problems and has been easy to update too!


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