Matt Kettler wrote:
>>Is the whole trusted_net, dnsbl business written up somewhere?  I would
>>rather not waste your time; but searching the wiki doesn't turn anything up.
> Not really, but I can go over it really fast..
> First, SA parses all the received headers, in backward order, starting with 
> the
> most recent. While doing so, it determines if each host is trusted or 
> untrusted,
> and internal or external (by default trusted_networks == internal_networks, so
> for you, the two are the same).
> Let's make a "simple" example here, that somewhat reflects your situation. In
> this case "B" is taking the place of your
> trusted_networks A
> trusted_networks C
> And a message:
> Received from B by A
> Received from C by B
> Received from D by C
> Received from E by D
> In this case, SA would determine:
> A - trusted, internal
> B - untrusted, external
> C - untrusted, external, because it's "outside" of B.
> D - untrusted, external
> E - untrusted, external
> Now, when evaluating RBLs, the first thing SA does is eliminate all the 
> internal
> hosts from the list. Poof, A disappears from the list.
> For all of the "dialup" type RBLs, SA excludes the first hop. Poof, E
> disappears. So SA will check B, C, and D against the various DUL RBLs.
> In your case, C happens to be a dialup-node, so it matches against SORBS_DUL 
> and
> similar rules.
> Now, if you had:
> trusted_networks A
> trusted_networks B
> trusted_networks C
> Then SA would parse as:
> A - trusted, internal
> B - trusted, internal
> C - trusted, internal (because there's no "break" in the path)
> D - untrusted, external
> E - untrusted, external
> Now when evaluating the DUL RBLs, A,B and C will be dropped because they're
> internal, and E will be dropped because it's a first-hop. Only D gets checked.
> As long as D isn't a dialup node, SORBS_DUL won't hit.

Excellent description, thank you.  Clearly worthy of inclusion on the
wiki.  Adding 127/8 to the trusted list seems to be behaving as you
described.  All is well.

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