Theo Van Dinter wrote:
On Sat, Mar 11, 2006 at 10:54:50PM -0600, Steven Stern wrote:
After installing 3.1.1 by building the RPM from the .tar.gz file, I get
the following in my log:
Hrm. None of these are SpamAssassin related, fwiw.
Mar 11 22:51:52 mooch spamd[15660]: List::Util object version 1.14 does
not match bootstrap parameter 1.18 at
You have multiple versions of List::Util installed, 1.14 and 1.18.
Mar 11 22:51:53 mooch spamd[15660]: Undefined subroutine
&Scalar::Util::weaken called at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6/i386-linux-thread-multi/ line 279.
DBI is looking for a function that apparently doesn't exist in Scalar::Util.
cpan> install List::Util
List::Util is up to date (1.18).
I think you will want to delete all List::Util related files, and then
reinstall. Basically List::Util is an XS module, and you have one
version of perl and one of the compiled XS.
I can't find anything with rpm -qa |grep perl tha tlooks like list-util
or anything similar. Where would the XS file be?
cpan> install Scalar::Util:weaken
Warning: Cannot install Scalar::Util:weaken, don't know what it is.
Try the command
weaken is the function name, you can try "install Scalar::Util".
cpan tells me that's up to date, too.