John Davis wrote:
> I am trying to train spamassassin using spam and ham I've collected.  My
> problem is the sa-learn script is using too many resources on the server
> (my spam folder had ~1000 messages).
> Is there a way I can run sa-learn on my PC and then merge the results with 
> the server?

Longer answer than before:

No, you cannot run sa-learn on one machine, then later merge the results onto
your server.

HOWEVER, you if you are running SpamAssassin 3.1.0 or higher, and you've started
spamd with --allow-tell, you can use spamc -L on your PC and have it feed to
your server's spamd.

This might lighten your overhead a little bit, because it's not going to have to
invoke a new perl instance, but the grunt-work of analyzing for tokens and
placing them into the bayes db is still going to happen on the server side
within spamd.

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