MJ a écrit :
> Hi Gary,
>>The user 'clamav' should have a home dir of /var/amavis otherwise I
> wouldn't 
>>think the spamassasin files would end up in /var/amavis/.spamassassin.
>>what does this say?
>>cat /etc/passwd | grep clamav
> clamav:x:1005:103::/home/clamav:/bin/false

I guess amavisd-new is running as clamav.

>>To run sa-learn as this user (who does not have a shell), I would run:
> sudo -H -u clamav sa-learn --sync --force-expire
> You want me to try above command?

yes, if you have sudo. otherwise, use your imagination:

1- change the login shell to a valid one, purge the file, and then
change the login shell back to /bin/false.

2- cp the file to $user/.spamassassin/ for some user with a valid shell,
purge as this user, then rename the resulting file to the original one.


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