On Sat, 2006-03-25 at 11:35 +0100, mouss wrote:
> Yousef Raffah wrote:
> > Hello Everyone,
> > 
> > I've been under a spam storm for the last two days and most of the
> > message I get are similar to the one below, message for
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED], I really don't understand how come I'm receiving
> > such messages! Can someone help me prevent these messages?
> you'll need to check in your postfix logs.
> > 
> > Return-Path: <>
> > Received: from by ocs.savola.com with ESMTP id
> > 50091021143204306; Fri, 24 Mar 2006 15:45:06 +0300
> > Received: from kansai.savoladns.com ([]) by Savola_Proxy2 with
> > InterScan Messaging Security Suite; Fri, 24 Mar 2006 16:07:03 +0300
> > X-Envelope-From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > X-Quarantine-Id: <ieTYZkD94JBN>
> > Received: from 54156D58 (localhost []) by kansai.savoladns.com
> > (Postfix) with SMTP id 2AE131020D; Fri, 24 Mar 2006 15:56:34 +0300 (AST)
> so your postfix received it from localhost with an hello=54156D58 (not 
> very standard....).
> > X-Apparently-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] via dress.prima.com; Fri, 24 Mar
> > 2006 07:55:04 -0500
> > Received: from skin  (HELO pencil.prima.com) by small.prima.com with
> This is not generated by postfix. is prima.com your system? If so, what 
> is this skin? if not yours, configure your small.prima.com to reject the 
> forged hello (skin is helloing as pencil.prima.com)
> if small.prima.com isn't yours, then you have a problem on 
> kansasi.savoladns.com. it got the mail from localhost. vulnerable 
> cgi/web form? open proxy?
I guess you pointed it out correctly, I had a proxy server running for
test purposes and I guess it allowed passing the messages "somehow" to
the mailserver as I can see in the proxy logs something like:

1143268316.235 112970 TCP_MISS/200 39 CONNECT - DIRECT/ -

Anyhow, the problem is solved now as I have shut the proxy server.
Thanks for all your help :)

Yousef Raffah
Senior Systems Administrator
SSIS - The Savola Group

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