I have the CentOS 3.2 system going and noticed something when doing research
on the perl modules that SA uses.  Currently I have Digest-SHA1 installed
that came with CentOS and it's version 2.01-15.1.  However when checking my
control panel software (www.directadmin.com) I saw that when running the
script file to update SpamAssassin to 3.1.1, they had downloaded and
appearantly installed Digest-SHA1 version 2.10.  Likewise I was unable to
figure out what version of libhtml-parser-perl I have installed.

Anyway, would any of this be leading to problems of STILL getting the 421
BSMTP timeout errors with Exim/SpamAssassin?  These problems appear as soon
as I start SpamAssassin with messages becoming frozen containing:

The following text was generated during the delivery attempt:

------ <removed>@teazles.com ------

An error was detected while processing a file of BSMTP input.
The error message was:

  421 Lost incoming connection

The SMTP transaction started in line 0.
The error was detected in line 3.
0 previous messages were successfully processed.
The rest of the batch was abandoned.
421 Lost incoming connection
Transaction started in line 0
Error detected in line 3

Within 5-10 minutes after starting SpamAssassin I had 8 frozen messages and
they continued to add up the longer I let SA run.  I had to kill the process
and comment the SA parts in the exim.conf file to at least allow email to
get through to my clients.

This has me baffled, and quite honestly frustrated to no end as to why it's
refusing to work correctly when it has in the past.


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Matt Kettler
Sent: Sunday, March 26, 2006 12:53 PM
Cc: users@spamassassin.apache.org
Subject: Re: Perl Modules?

Bradley Walker wrote:
> What Perl modules does SA require?  I'm looking into this as being a 
> possible cause of my 421 SMTP timeout errors.

You didn't specify a version of SA. So assuming SA 3.1


Read the section about half-way down titled "Required Perl Modules"

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