>Michael Monnerie wrote:
>> Hi, I get some legitimate newletter that's incorrectly marked as
>> FORGED_OUTLOOK. Could someone fix that tests? Others may have that
>> problem, too.
>> (almost) full message at http://zmi.at/x/ham01.txt
>> mfg zmi
>Are you sure that is a valid OE-email? Doesn't appear to me as such,
>hence I'd say the tests fired correctly.
>Kind Regards,
>Sander Holthaus
>Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (MingW32)
        Michael does not say what version of SA is running, but for 3.0.4
I've had mail *from Microsoft* trip these rules - So there do exist later
versions of Outlook/OE that cause these rules to mis-fire.  I have had
more problems with one relative's email - his machine is setup, configured
and basically maintained by another relative, who is a MS employee (i.e. the
software is definitely "real" Outlook/OE);  The problem occurs most often
with multi-part MINE which includes an HTML formatted section (my guess is
it was some update/fix about 5 months ago that began the behavior).

(Yes, I should have filed a BZ, but I just whitelisted the senders affected.)

        Paul Shupak

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