Jason Marshall schrieb:

> I'm sure I'm not the first one to suggest this, but why NOT always display 
> the numbers in their entirety?  I can't think of any reason why a user 
> would say "please give me less accuracy and a lot more confusion in return 
> for fewer digits to parse".

But I can - and I would. :) I can read numbers with just one decimal
place much better, and I'm not interested at all in "more accuracy".

Why (and when) do I need the scores? When I want to see why mail is
tagged spam or not, and how relevant each rule was for that decision.
It's not important if a rule scores 1.223 or 1.2 - it's not even
important if it scores 1.1 oder 1.3. But it *does* matter if it scores
0.2 or 2.5.

So that accuracy is just unneceassaray, and it *would* make it harder
- at least for me - to "get" the scores with just one quick look.


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