Is it possible to manage auto-withelist?

I am testing auto-whitelist and with my check_whitelist I have

    -2.8        (-2.8/1)       --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|ip=none
    -2.7        (-2.7/4)      --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|ip=none
    -1.7        (-1.7/3)      --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|ip=none
    -2.3        (-2.3/3)      --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|ip=none
   316.2      (316.2/17)  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|ip=none

I would like to delete the line
316.2      (316.2/17)  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|ip=none
How can I do?

An other thing, in all line I have ip=none
 I would like to have an ip realy, for example 
-2.7        (-2.7/4)      --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|ip=
How can I do?


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