On Tuesday April 11 2006 23:17, Kelson wrote:
> mouss wrote:
> > - multiple "internal" hops at either sender or receiver (I have N
> > Received headers added by my own MTA. and for mail fetched from an MSP,
> > there are still more....).
> Actually, if I'm reading this right, it's the number of IP hops between
> the sending server and the receiving server -- in other words, how many
> lines you'd see if you were on the receiving server and ran traceroute
> to the sending MTA.

Exactly. It is usually the number of hops a traceroute running on MTA
would show when tracing route to the host from which it is receiving a 
message. (I say usually, because routes can be asymmetric, and we are 
actually observing a remaining TTL field value in the IP packet, taking
into account an educated guess on the initial setting, based on detected
OS type).

Btw, a horizontal spread of 1 unit (in fig1) is an artificial white noise
added to spread numerous dots somewhat for a better view.

I guess we are somewhat lucky seeing a rather clearcut separation of
nearby friendly and distant wild-world hosts, and can use IP distance to 
contribute a little score weight on distant hosts and subtract a little
for nearby hosts.


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