On Donnerstag, 13. April 2006 13:35 Mark Martinec wrote:
> Agreed, this rule is completely inappropriate, it penalizes valid
> encoding according to RFC 2047 and fires on any lengthier Subject
> line in non-English language. It should disappear or have a
> much reduced default score.

The problem seems to be that
1) most spam is english
2) most people contributing mass-checks are english speaking
3) therefore most ham+spam tested in mass-checks are english

in order to improve the situation, more mass-check testers with 
non-english language ham+spam should contribute, see 

I'm not a SA dev, but I think they once wrote more supporters would be 
nice. I do mass-checks, and if somebody wants to help, I have a working 
script you can have in order to contribute to testing. It's a simple 
setup, and then your server has some work to do overnight. On mine, 
it's about 1 hour per night, so pas problem.

mfg zmi
// Michael Monnerie, Ing.BSc    -----      http://it-management.at
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