On Thu, Apr 13, 2006 at 03:58:01PM +0200, Magnus Holmgren wrote:
> I see a fair amount of spam using <TEXTAREA style="visibility: hidden"> to 
> hide bayes poison. Shouldn't a rule against that, or CSS-hidden text in 
> general, be worthwile? I couldn't find any in the default 3.1.1 ruleset, nor 
> at SARE.

Not specific to textarea, just looking for an html tag with that style setting:

  0.878   0.9903   0.3319    0.749   0.00    1.00  TVD_VIS_HIDDEN

Specifically just looking for textarea:

  0.821   0.9903   0.0000    1.000   1.00    1.00  TVD_VIS_HIDDEN

I added the second one to my sandbox.  We'll see how the nightly
mass-checks deal with it. :)

Thanks! :)

Randomly Generated Tagline:
"Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards,
 for they are subtle and quick to anger."    - Lord of the Rings

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