On Donnerstag, 13. April 2006 18:15 mouss wrote:
> pfff. just reading the two first paragraphs is enough to look
> elsewhere. some people seem to redefine what a false positive is.

I didn't mean that, I meant the tarpitting approach. Of course you have 
to set some (much) harder policy on which systems to put on your 
tarpit-blackhole list.

But *if* you have such a "tarpit decider without FP" (not sure how to do 
that...), couldn't this be a very good countermeasure to spam?

mfg zmi
// Michael Monnerie, Ing.BSc    -----      http://it-management.at
// Tel: 0660/4156531                          .network.your.ideas.
// PGP Key:   "lynx -source http://zmi.at/zmi3.asc | gpg --import"
// Fingerprint: 44A3 C1EC B71E C71A B4C2  9AA6 C818 847C 55CB A4EE
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net                 Key-ID: 0x55CBA4EE

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Description: PGP signature

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