On Thu, Apr 13, 2006 at 11:45:07PM +0200, Michael Monnerie wrote:
> >  0.0 DK_POLICY_SIGNSOME     Domain Keys: policy says domain signs
> > some mails 0.0 DK_POLICY_TESTING      Domain Keys: policy says domain
> > is testing DK 0.0 DK_SIGNED              Domain Keys: message has a
> > signature -0.0 DK_VERIFIED            Domain Keys: signature passes
> Where to get these rules?

They're standard in 3.1 if you have enabled the
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DomainKeys plugin.

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"Note that I am a proponent of Zen in the Art of Systems Administration,
 and thus believe that it's appropriate to present yourself as a beginner
 in all things. This helps you keep a fresh perspective and spank the
 unsuspecting at snooker." - Benjy Feen

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